Francis Nathan Abiamba, Afran

(Camerun, 1987)

Amanita Tour #00


Acrylic on printed canvas

93 × 93 cm / 36.27 × 36.27 in


Dimensions & Weight:
93 × 93 cm

AMANITA TOUR is the third version of this project. It is very unique: a performance that will yield a collection of NFTs.

On opening day, one of the ‘Amanita 2.0’ mushrooms will be immortalized with the most unusual characters and installations

from the Biennale. The entire array of photos will then be provided to bring the NFTs to life. The performance lies in travelling around the lagoon in search of important works of art and involving or convincing some of the key players — including curators, personalities, and artists — to participate in the game. The NFTs resulting from the performance will thus become evidence of real encounters that took place in a defined context, space, and time, creating a connection between what is real and virtual.

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