Past Exhibition

RE GENESIS | Instinct before Reason - Alberto Salvetti, Lucio Pozzi
5th day, creation of Flora and Fauna
8 March – 14 July 2024
Inside the Elements | Ethical Art Movement | Prorogued until the June 30th 2024
Earth, Water and Fire
21 April – 30 June 2024
ENT - 6 | New York - Peccioli - ALESSANDRO ZANNIER
21 February – 30 April 2024
Pombo in dialogo con Michelangelo
1 March – 28 April 2024
Matteo Mezzadri | Il Giardino di Artemisia
11 – 26 April 2024
RE - GENESIS | Dentro la Luce - Afran, Gino Alberti
4° giorno, creazione del Sole, della Luna e delle Stelle
29 September 2023 – 11 February 2024
Carpe Diem
Entra nel mondo del Movimento Arte Etica
18 December 2023 – 15 January 2024
"Ho visto cose che voi umani..."
13 October – 15 December 2023
FUTURISMI | Alberto Salvetti - Installazione Cassonetti Acquario
Miti & Mete 2023
29 September – 15 October 2023
ARCA Venice
Habitat Backup Estinzione
1 – 24 September 2023
Milk |Julia Bornefeld at Wellcome Collection
30 March – 10 September 2023
Biennale Le Latitudini dell'Arte
Stage Göteborg - The Twilight of the Earth
9 June – 13 August 2023
RE-GENESIS | Un tenue Punto Blu - Luigi Dellatorre | Alessandro Zannier
3rd day, separation between waters and earth - PROROGUED
26 February – 16 July 2023
Biennale Le Latitudini dell'Arte
Stage Berlino - Synonims and antonyms
3 – 18 June 2023
Rethinking the Cities
Installation of Matteo Mezzadri
3 May – 8 June 2023
Incursioni d'artista
3 April – 8 June 2023
ArcheoElegia e Poetica del Cartone da imballaggio | Gianfranco Gentile
Comieco Paper Week
15 – 21 April 2023
RE-GENESIS | Sull'Orlo del Cielo - Matteo Mezzadri | Jorge R. Pombo
Day two, creation of sky and earth
23 September 2022 – 22 January 2023
Alessandro Zannier presents "ENT Soundscape"
La Biennale of Venezia - 59th art exposition, Republic of Cameroon National Pavilion - The Time of the Chimeras
23 April – 27 November 2022
Marco Bertìn presents "EVA"
La Biennale of Venezia - 59th art exposition, Republic of Cameroon National Pavilion - The Time of the Chimeras
23 April – 27 November 2022
The times of the Chimeras
La Biennale di Venezia, 59th art exposition, National Pavilion of Cameroon Repubblic
23 April – 27 November 2022
Jorge R. Pombo presents the Variations on "Salvator Mundi"
La Biennale of Venezia - 59th art exposition, Republic of Cameroon National Pavilion - The Time of the Chimeras
23 April – 27 November 2022
Utopiche Cuciture
Mostra Personale di Luigi Dellatorre
9 – 30 October 2022
Alèm da Etica
Beyond the Ethics | Exhibition of the Ethical Art Movement
8 September – 26 October 2022
MareMoto 4.0
Personal exhibition of Alessandro Zannier in collaboration with the CNR (National Council of Research) and Suzuki Italia
23 July – 3 September 2022
Ottodix ensemble
25 August 2022
RE-GENESIS | Oltre le Tenebre - Julia Bornefeld | Marco Gradi
Day one, creation of light and dark
18 March – 24 July 2022
The Peace before the Storm
Day 7th, God contemplates creation and rests
14 January – 24 February 2022
ENT 1 - Venice / Auckland
Mostra a Vittorio Veneto di Alessandro Zannier | PROROGATA fino al 27 Gennaio 2022
12 November 2021 – 27 January 2022
The Garden of Delights
Day 6, Creation of Man and Woman
19 November 2021 – 7 January 2022
ENT 1 - Venice / Auckland
Biennale di Architettura di Venezia, Eventi Padiglione Italia
15 July – 21 November 2021
L'Istinto prima della Ragione
5° giorno, creazione di tutti gli esseri della Terra
15 October – 12 November 2021
Il Viaggio: tra Scoperta e Verità
Il viaggio protagonista di una nuova visione
4 September – 1 November 2021
Dentro la luce
4° giorno, creazione del sole, la luna e le stelle
10 September – 8 October 2021
Un tenue Punto blu
3° giorno, separazione fra le acque e la terra
16 July – 3 September 2021
Sull'orlo del Cielo
2° giorno, separazione delle acque, creazione del cielo e della terra
4 June – 9 July 2021
Oltre le Tenebre
I° giorno, creazione della Luce e del Buio
23 April – 28 May 2021
Biennale De Curitiba, Beyond the Ethic
Ethical Art in dialogue between past and future
22 March 2019 – 1 March 2020
Beyond ethics
1 January – 1 February 2020
Mental Recycling
Make Room For Healthy Ethical Thoughts
17 May – 24 November 2019
Tintoretto - Pombo
Maternity and Passion
1 June – 1 October 2019
The ethical art in dialogue between past an future
24 May 2018 – 12 September 2019
Tintoretto - Pombo
Passion and justice
5 September 2018 – 15 January 2019
L'Arte Può
Ethical Art Movement
1 January 2017 – 1 January 2019
Ethical art path
Movimento Arte Etica
1 March – 1 May 2018
Walking with wolves
Alberto Salvetti
5 – 7 December 2017
Body for hire
Julia Bornefeld
26 May – 1 September 2017
Lives of Cardboard
Gianfranco Gentile
4 March – 27 April 2017
Matteo Mezzadri
11 February – 16 April 2017
The Third Paradise
Michelangelo Pistoletto in Arena of Verona
30 January – 15 March 2017
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