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Ethical Manifesto of Gianfranco Gentile

The happy bubble


We are aware that

The atmosphere is a thin layer of fluid that protects us and nature from the huge cosmic void;

That the waters of the planet are the cradle of life, and that the oceans, though they seem so vast, are all linked together and form a closed system;

Water and Air are the basic elements of life, both to make it (the same human body is made of about 70% water), and to keep it (as long as we breathe, we live).



For example

When we are in a closed room, a burning cigarette is enough to change the surrounding air, making it dangerous to breathe, to “spoil the atmosphere”; after a while we get used to change, but the air remains polluted for hours and the only way to clean it is to open the windows and change it with the outside air. But how can we “open the window” to change the air of the atmosphere?

Who has ever seen a rainbow made by gasoline in a puddle? Undoubtedly poetic but poisonous for that water, which is no longer able to host life.

If seen from space, oceans and the lakes are also just immense puddles and all the oil, plastic and  chemicals they receive irretrievably poison their waters and there is no way to remove pollutants when mixed.

In the seas there is 1 ton of plastic per 5 tons of fish and at the current pollution rates, within a few decades plastic will overcome the weight of all the fish!


We believe that

It is absurd to contaminate and pollute our most precious fluids, without being aware of the harm we face to ourselves and the environment;

it is possible to reverse the direction of pollution and regain a cleaner world, for us and for future generations;

everyone can give their own contribution paying more attention to their daily life behavior, for example with the separate collection of waste and an intelligent use of water and electricity, to change the world even with small steps and with little acts.



We want to act

Through art, as this is our operating ground and as we believe that the gaze and the tools of art and culture have the chance to shake consciences so that people don’t stop thinking, to remember in every moment that it is possible to influence the choices that governments and institutions have to implement to reverse this self-destructive course;

facing the increasingly challenging, increasingly international, increasingly ambitious and involving exhibition challenges, leaving a mark in the conscience of citizens and institutions;

through the work of Gianfranco Gentile, an artist who has been sensitive to these issues since his architectural and urban planning studies in the 1970s, accomplishing paperboard installations and murals on the facades of buildings and museums and in public places that can arouse the interest of citizens, giving visibility to the ethical themes of the manifesto through art, supporting the new challenge that will commit the artist during the coming years.


Most of the murals will be made of cardboard boxes, better if recycled, which in the works of Gianfranco Gentile is not just a substitution of canvas or other supports, but is an integral part of the work of art itself to stigmatize an uncritical and carefree waste, to sensitize about the dramatic consequences of waste disposal and to push for creative reuse. The same use of cardboard, with its fragility and perishability in an outdoor context, is a message about the fragility of our own life on this planet.



Last Museal Projects

2024 | Prostor - The Space, 22° Festival of Comtemporary Art, ART Stays, Ptuj, Slovenia


2022 | Alem da Etica, Museo "De Arte de Blumenau". Blumenau, Brasil



2021 | Il Viaggio: tra Scoperta e Verità, Diocesano Museum of Vicenza (Italy)



2021 | Lucca Biennale - CARTASIA, 10th edition, Fear and Desire (Tuscany - Italy)



2020 | Paper Biennale, Museum Rijswijk, Netherlands



2020 | ARTEOLOGIA - Oltre l'Etica, Archeological Museum of Vicenza (Italy)



2019 | Oltre l'Etica, Paranaense Museum, 14th International Biennale of Curitiba (Brasil)



2018 | ARTEOLOGIA, National Archeological Museum of Venice



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